Great connections start with a click

Easily create a short link with just one click

Shorten a long link

Shorten URL

Create a QR Code

QR Codes are everywhere

Connect your real-world audience to your online content.

Build a Link-in-bio page and showcase your links

Create a page for all your links

Make it easy for your customers and followers to engage with your select links. Design a stunning, compact page, share it, and watch the clicks roll in.

Sign up and create your page

The Feji Connections Platform

Get all the essentials for fostering brand relationships, handling links and QR Codes, and engaging audiences across all channels, all within one comprehensive platform.

URL Shortener

A complete solution aimed at enhancing the potency of each interaction between your content and your audience across all touchpoints.

Popular Link Management Features

  • URL shortening at scale

  • Custom links with your brand

  • URL redirects

  • Advanced analytics & tracking

QR Codes

Provide QR code solutions tailored to suit the needs of each customer, business, and brand experience.

Popular QR Code Features

  • Fully customizable QR Codes

  • Dynamic QR Codes

  • QR Code types & destination options

  • Advanced analytics & tracking


Feji Link-in-bio, fueled by Metaconex Link Management, assists in curating, packaging, and tracking your top links.

Popular Link-in-bio Features

  • Custom URLs for social media

  • Customizable landing page

  • Easy-to-manage links

  • Link and landing page tracking


global paying customers


links & QR Codes created monthly


connections (clicks & scans) monthly


app integrations

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Frequently asked questions

A URL shortener, sometimes called a link shortener, may seem like a straightforward tool, but it packs a powerful punch when it comes to your marketing efforts.

These tools streamline lengthy URLs into concise, user-friendly links. When someone clicks on the shortened link, they're instantly redirected to the intended webpage.

Imagine a short URL as a catchy and memorable alias for your lengthy web address. For instance, you could opt for something like, offering users a clear idea of where the link leads before they even click it.

If you're actively contributing content online, utilizing a URL shortener is essential.

Elevate your URLs with our user-friendly free link shortener tool provided above.

Do you ever find it challenging to remember a lengthy web address, especially with all those characters and symbols? A short URL can solve that problem by making your link more memorable. It not only helps people easily recall and share your link with others, but it can also significantly boost traffic to your content.

From a practical standpoint, short URLs are easier to integrate into your materials, whether you're engaging with customers offline or online.

Feji stands out as the top choice for URL shortening, catering to everyone from influencers and small brands to large enterprises. It provides a straightforward solution for creating, tracking, and managing links.

Find a plan that works for you

A personalized URL shortener, also known as a branded URL shortener, allows you to customize your links with your brand identity.

For instance, instead of using a generic short URL like, you can opt for a personalized short URL such as

There are numerous advantages to branding your shortened links. Branded links foster trust between your audience and your business, generate more clicks, provide your audience with a preview of the destination, and enhance brand recognition.

Having a link shortening service that offers custom short URLs is essential for enhancing audience engagement with your communications. While a short URL is effective, a personalized URL delivers results every time.

A Quick Response code, or QR code, is a specific type of barcode capable of storing a vast array of data. The most apparent distinction between a QR code and a traditional barcode lies in their visual appearance. A QR code typically takes the form of a square and consists of smaller, uniform blocks reminiscent of Tetris shapes. In contrast, a barcode features vertical bars of varying thicknesses and is frequently accompanied by a serial number.

In a global context, QR Codes offer incredible flexibility, allowing them to perform a wide range of functions. They come in two main types: Dynamic and Static. Dynamic QR Codes are particularly valuable for businesses and nonprofits looking to enhance their marketing efforts due to their numerous advantages. While they require a subscription to use, the benefits far outweigh this cost. One significant advantage of Dynamic QR Codes is their editability. This means that if an error is discovered after the QR Codes have been printed, users can simply log into the dashboard and make corrections without altering the appearance of the printed Codes.

The phrase "Link-in-bio" describes the clickable URL placed in the profile section of social media accounts. Many social media platforms offer the feature to include a link in your bio, directing followers to your website, product page, content, or other significant pages.

Whether you're sharing a single link or millions, our platform is designed to empower you in making every interaction between your content and your audience drive action.

This is why the world's most renowned brands favor our platform.

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More than a free link shortener

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